Three reasons to use Percival

Easy and intuitive. 15 minutes is all each team member needs to express their appraisals using drag-and-drop
Fair and collaborative

Percival's collaborative process produces results that are not only fair but perceived as fair

Clear results
A sophisticated algorithm finds the perfect balance of all appraisals to divide the team's budget into precise, actionable slices

We make some of our most important decisions with the help of Percival including how we distribute ownership of the company itself
Aaron Dignan, Author of Brave New Work
Founder of The Ready

Altieres Lopes, Partner at Webgoal

One of our biggest challenges was the salary review. Percival helps us a lot, the team can quickly make the appraisal and the results we get are the foundation for our decisions
Altieres Lopes, Partner at Webgoal

We have been using Percival's algorithm for many years with our teams and we trust its results to make important salary decisions
Paulo Peccin,
Partner at Objective Solutions